WILD TONIC - OIL ON CANVAS 30X48 Available at Page Gallery.

Why I’m here… I like to paint and write about painting, painters, including techniques and materials, and how is all consuming to my painting life. I’ve been painting with intent since 1979 and I love what I do. I’ve made and continue to make, a lot of mistakes and do consider them all learning experiences. When I did more in person teaching, and when blogs were the main way to communicate with a community of like minded artists and those interested in art, one of my favorite things about it was sharing what I know, and don’t know, heavy on the latter, about painting. This platform seems to be as close to getting back to a user/reader friendly blogging platform as anything else I’ve seen. Instagram used to be a great place to share photos of art work, but we all know about the algorithmic control and what that’s done to the quality of the experience on IG. I’m still there, but hope to engager readers here and have more than those much appreciated “likes” that make up IG. So chime in please.

I’m making this my outlet and will no longer be using the FASO Newsletter option.

Why you’re here… If you were subscribed to my FASO email newsletter, you’re receiving this first post from me on Substack. Or you’ve found my Substack site and decided to subscribe on your own. Anyway you arrived, Thank You! I’m grateful to have your here.

If you’re not interested in receiving my emails you can unsubscribe at any time.

Why subscribe?

This is brand new for me. What I am planning to do is to present a weekly (Friday probably) post about something going on with painting that I feel would be interesting enough to share.

If you opt for the paid subscription, you will receive the publication emailed to you each Friday morning. The paid subscription content may include video demos of paintings or studio thoughts and technique. It will also include more in depth information weekly.

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A weekly, or maybe more frequent, collection of thoughts, tutorials and ideas about having a painting life, and all that entails.